“A Radical Restoration of Innocence.” A society with purity has no need of abortions.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OUR MAGAZINE, Chastity the New Sexual Revolution, featuring many excellent writers and their articles promoting chastity.
WAKE UP has organized various chastity programs. From 2005 to 2009, Missy held WAKE UP seminars called Chastity Is the New Sexual Revolution at the John Paul II Shrine.
Missy’s other chastity series is mother-daughter teas on femininity, fertility, and waking up women and girls to the beauty and honor being females created in God’s image.

Project Rachel Founder Vicki Thorn Changed the Course of the Pro-Life Movement With a Message of Mercy
Article from The National Catholic Register — April 29, 2022:

MILWAUKEE — As more and more women came seeking her out to pour out their grief after abortion, Vicki Thorn turned to the Lord in prayer, asking for guidance. Opening her Bible, the bereavement counselor read the passage that appeared before her from Jeremiah 31:15: “Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.”
But it was the next verses that inspired Thorn to found Project Rachel in 1984: “Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears … There is hope for your future, declares the Lord, and your children shall come back to their own country.”
At her funeral on April 30, at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church in Milwaukee, pro-life advocates will bid farewell in this life to Victoria M. Thorn. In the course of nearly four decades, the Catholic wife and mother of six had transformed the pro-life movement with Project Rachel’s message of compassion for post-abortive mothers and inspired both her own and the next generation of pro-life leaders.