We Need Catholic Priests to Warn Voters about Joe Biden
By Anita Crane © 2020
Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, conducted a 4-day protest against Joe Biden and his bishop in their hometown of Wilmington, Delaware from October 1-4. Missy Reilly Smith, foundress of WAKE UP, gave two speeches at the protest on Friday, October 2.
In 2019, 64.9 million people were registered in Catholic dioceses, so we are the largest religious bloc in the United States, and Joe Biden is attempting to lure us with false claims that he’s a good Catholic while he champions violent and gruesome abortion for babies.
Missy with Randall at the protest. Photo by fellow protester Albert Stecklein.
As an abortion politician, Joe Biden automatically excommunicated himself from the Catholic Church.
Therefore, his own bishop should begin the formal excommunication process by banning him from Holy Communion and calling him to repent. When bishops ban someone from Holy Communion it is a first corrective measure to stop the sinner from committing sacrilege; avoid misleading people; and bring the sinner back into full communion.
Instead of trying to save Joe Biden’s soul and save babies’ lives, Bishop William Francis Malooly said he won’t “politicize the Eucharist.”
So Randall, Missy and other Catholics went to Bishop Malooly’s home and asked him to correct Biden.
Here is Missy’s indoor speech to her brother and sister protesters. Learn more about WAKE UP’s class-action lawsuit at AbortionInjured.com.
Last year, Joe Biden was embarrassed because Father Robert Morey, pastor of Saint Anthony Catholic Church in Florence, South Carolina, withheld Holy Communion from him at Sunday Mass.
Why was Biden surprised? Merely four days earlier on October 23, 2019, Biden announced on Facebook that if he’s elected president, he plans to codify Roe v. Wade.
So friends, please share this article and ask your Catholic priests to warn their flocks about Joe Biden’s deadly agenda. This election year, religious ministers and sisters can speak truth about politicians because President Donald Trump abolished the IRS Johnson Amendment with an executive order.
WAKE UP proudly endorses President Trump and we humbly request that you vote for him.